Terms of Use

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Terms of Use

Article 1 Purpose and Definitions
The purpose of these Terms and Conditions is to stipulate the basic terms and procedures for using the Internet service (hereinafter referred to as “Service”) provided by GAST (hereinafter referred to as “Site”).

Article 2 (Effectiveness and change of terms and conditions)

  • ① These terms and conditions become effective upon notification to users through the service screen or other means.
  • ② The site may change the contents of these terms and conditions, and the changed terms and conditions will become effective upon notification or notification in the same manner as in Paragraph 1.
Article 3 (Definition of Terms)
The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions are as follows.
  • ① Member: refers to an individual or organization that has entered into a service use agreement with the site or has been granted a user ID (ID).
  • ② Applicant: Refers to an individual or organization applying for membership.
  • ③ ID: Refers to a combination of letters and numbers determined by the member and approved by the site for member identification and service use.
  • ④ Password: This refers to a combination of letters and numbers determined by the member to confirm that the member matches the ID given to the member and to protect the member's confidentiality.
  • ⑤ Termination: This refers to the site or member canceling the service use agreement.
Article 4 (Establishment of Use Agreement)
  • ① By clicking the Agree button at the bottom of the Terms of Use, you are deemed to agree to these Terms of Use.
  • ② The use contract is established when the site approves the application for use after the person wishing to use the service agrees to the terms of use.
Article 5 (Application for Use)
  • ① In order for applicants to use this service, they must record and submit the user information requested in the site’s prescribed membership application form.
  • ② All user information entered in the membership application form is considered to be actual data. Users who do not enter their real name or actual information will not receive legal protection and may be subject to service restrictions.
Article 6 (Approval of application for use)
  • ① The site accepts the applicant’s application for service use, with exceptions in the cases of paragraphs 2 and 3.
  • ② In the following cases, the site may withhold approval until the reasons for restricting approval of the application are resolved.
  • go. When there is no room for service-related facilities
  • me. In case of technical difficulties
  • all. If other sites are deemed necessary
  • ③ The site may refuse approval if the applicant falls under any of the following.
  • go. If you apply using the name of another individual (site)
  • me. If you applied with false user information
  • all. If the application is made for the purpose of disrupting social order or morals
  • la. If you do not meet other site usage application requirements
Article 7 (Change of user information)
If the member information entered at the time of application for use changes, the member must correct it online and is responsible for any problems that arise due to failure to change it. 
Article 8 (Site Obligations)
  • ① The site provides each service to members.
  • go. Sending newsletters about new services and domain information
  • me. Personal information automatically entered when registering an additional domain
  • all. Various additional services for domain registration and management
  • ② The site cannot divulge, disclose, or distribute member personal information acquired in connection with service provision to others without the member's consent, and cannot use it for commercial purposes other than service-related work. However, there are exceptions in the following cases:
  • go. When there is a request from a state agency pursuant to the provisions of laws such as the Framework Act on Telecommunications
  • me. When there is a purpose for investigating a crime or there is a request from the Information and Communication Ethics Committee
  • all. If there is a request in accordance with the procedures prescribed by other relevant laws and regulations
  • ③ The site has an obligation to provide continuous and stable services in accordance with the provisions of these terms and conditions.
Article 9 (Member's Obligations)
  • ① Members must not engage in any of the following acts when using the service.
  • a. Illegal use of another member's ID
  • b. Reproducing information obtained from the service for purposes other than member use without prior consent from the site, altering it, using it for publication or broadcasting, or providing it to others.
  • c. Acts that infringe on the copyright of the site, the copyright of others, or other rights.
  • d. Distributing to others information, sentences, or figures that violate public order and morals.
  • e. An act that is objectively judged to be linked to a crime
  • f. Other acts that violate relevant laws and regulations
  • ② Members must comply with relevant laws, matters stipulated in these Terms and Conditions, and service usage guidelines and precautions.
  • ③ Members must comply with the usage restrictions posted by the site in service notices or separately announced for each content.
Article 10 (Member's obligations regarding member ID and password management)
  • ① Members are responsible for all management of their ID and password. The member is fully responsible for all consequences resulting from negligence or misuse of the ID and password assigned to the member.
  • ② If the member's ID has been used illegally or any other security violation, the member must notify the site of the fact.
Article 11 (Service Restrictions and Suspension)
  • ① The site may cancel the service in the event that a war, incident, natural disaster, or similar national emergency occurs or is likely to occur, or in the event of other force majeure such as the suspension of telecommunication services by the telecommunications business operator under the Telecommunications Business Act. You can restrict or suspend all or part of it.
  • ② When restricting or suspending the use of the service pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1, the site must inform members of the reason and period of restriction without delay.
Article 12 (Change of Information)
If a member wishes to change customer information such as address or password, he or she may do so by using the member information change service on the website.
Article 13 (Termination of contract)
Members may cancel their service use agreement, and if they do so, they must apply for cancellation directly to the site through the service, by phone, or online. The site restricts the member's use of the service from the day the cancellation request is received. If a member wishes to terminate the service agreement due to any of the following clauses, the site must notify the customer of such intent at least 7 days prior to termination and give the customer an opportunity to explain.
① If the customer violates the usage restriction regulations or does not resolve the reason for the restriction within the usage restriction period.
② When the Information and Communication Ethics Committee requests the use of the information
③ If the customer fails to respond to the statement of opinion without justifiable reason.
④ If an application is made in the name of another person or a service agreement is concluded with false information in the application form or attachment of false documents, the site may restrict subscription for a separately determined period for users who have been terminated in accordance with the above regulations.
Article 14 (Disclaimer)
  • ① The site is exempt from liability for any damage incurred due to the member's failure to obtain the expected benefits from the provision of services or the member's choice or use of service materials.
  • ② The site is exempt from liability if a service failure occurs or a member's data is damaged due to the member's fault or the intentional actions of a third party.
  • ③ The site is exempt from liability for the content of materials posted or transmitted by members.
  • ④ In the case of a domain with trademark rights, the purchasing member is responsible for any damage or compensation that may occur, and the site does not take any responsibility for this.
Article 15 (Jurisdiction)
If a dispute arises between the site and members in relation to the service, the court with jurisdiction over the site's headquarters will be the court of competent jurisdiction.
  • Address. 183, Gongdan 4-ro, Sanam-myeon, Sacheon-si, Gyeongnam
  • Tel. +82-55-957-8600
  • COPYTIGHT 2023. GAST Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.

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