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Global Aerospace Surface Technology
GAST Co., Ltd.
Designs a new future
We will become a leader in the general aircraft surface treatment business,
We provide cutting-edge technologies that contribute to the global aviation sector.
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Global Aerospace
Surface Technology
This is GAST Co., Ltd., a leader in the aviation surface treatment industry.
Talent is the main force that will lead our future,
We are waiting for creative and passionate talents.
Unleash your potential at GAST Co., Ltd.

Job information

Job posting

  • Address. 183, Gongdan 4-ro, Sanam-myeon, Sacheon-si, Gyeongnam
  • Tel. +82-55-957-8600
  • COPYTIGHT 2023. GAST Co., Ltd. all rights reserved.

We will become a leader in the general aircraft surface treatment business,
We provide cutting-edge technologies that contribute to the global aviation sector.

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